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Home Suppliers Andor


Andor manufactures a range of high-performance digital cameras for advanced imaging applications in the life sciences and physical sciences. Camera technologies included CCD, EMCCD and scientific CMOS. Andor's fast innovative pace is one reason why they are the premier imaging company, with camera technology such as the new large format iXon888 EMCCD and the Zyla and Neo families of scientific CMOS cameras.

Andor also manufacture a range of Spinning Disc confocal microscopes, namely the Diskovery and Revolution systems, which together with the above imaging cameras and the Nikon Eclipse Ti-E inverted microscope provide high-speed, high-resolution confocal imaging platforms.


Product Keywords
Andor Balor Very Large Area sCMOS Camera (Astronomy)
Capture More. Further. Faster.
Andor Balor-X Very Large Area sCMOS (X-Ray)
Combining very large field of view with fast, low noise readout
Andor BC43 Benchtop Confocal Microscope Family
BC43: More Modalities. More Performance. More Certainty
Andor C-BLUE One Camera
High speed global shutter sCMOS camera
Andor C-BLUE One UV Camera
UV extended global shutter scientific CMOS camera
Andor C-Red 2 ER InGaAs Camera
1.9 um and 2.2 um extended range SWIR camera
Andor C-Red 2 InGaAs Camera
Very high speed ultra low dark scientific InGaAs infrared camera
Andor C-RED 2 Lite SWIR Camera
Very high speed and stabilised InGaAs SWIR camera
Andor C-RED New Space
Space-designed SWIR Camera Core
Andor C-RED One HgCdTe SWIR Camera
Ultra low noise ultra high-speed SWIR camera
Andor Digital Cameras
The world's most advanced and versatile EMCCD, CCD and sCMOS cameras
Andor Cameras EMCCD CCD cCMOS
Andor Dragonfly High Speed Confocal Microscope Systems
Deeper Imaging. Deeper Insights. Deeper Understanding
andor dragonfly
Andor High Energy Camera Detection Systems
X-Ray, electron and neutron detection cameras adapted to your needs
andor high energy detection
Andor iDus InGaAs Spectroscopy Cameras
Spectroscopy InGaAs PDA
Andor iDus Spectroscopy Cameras
Workhorse laboratory and OEM CCD platform
Andor iDus CCD Cameras spectroscopy
Andor iKon Slow-scan Large CCD Series
Pushing detection boundaries from particles to galaxies
Andor iKON-XL iKon large ccd
Andor Intensified Camera Series
iStar ICCD camera - leading intensified CCD camera
Andor iStar ICCD intensified CCD camera
Andor iXon EMCCD Camera Series
Driving the absolute best from EMCCD Camera Technology
Andor iXon EMCCD
Andor iXon Ultra EMCCD Cameras for Microscopy and Life Sciences
The world's highest performance back-illuminated EMCCD's
Andor Kymera Spectrograph
Workhorse spectroscopy platform; performance and flexibiltiy
Andor, kymera
Andor Marana Back Illuminated sCMOS
Ultimate sensitivity back-illuminated sCMOS for astronomy and physical sciences
Andor Marana-X sCMOS
The fastest sCMOS camera for direct EUV and soft x-ray detection
Andor Mechelle 5000 Spectrograph
High-band-pass Echelle spectrograph
andor mechelle 5000 spectrograph
Andor MicroPoint 4 Photo-stimulation Device
A powerful tool for laser photostimulation
Andor MicrostatHe Sample-in-Vacuum Cryostat (He)
Lowest helium consumption and fastest cooldown on the market
Andor MicrostatHires Sample-in-Vacuum Cryostat (He)
Lowest helium consumption and fastest cooldown on the market
Andor MicrostatN Cryostat (N)
Lowest nitrogen consumption on the market
Andor Neo 5.5 sCMOS
Vacuum cooled sCMOS with 1e- read noise - rolling and snapshot exposure
andor neo 5.5 sCMOS
Andor Newton CCD and EMCCD Cameras
Optimised for high performance spectroscopic applications
Andor Newton CCD and EMCCD
Andor NIR SWIR Cameras For Life Sciences Imaging Applications
Image thicker and more biologically relevant tissues, organs and even small animal models
Andor OptistatCF Top Loading Cryostat (He)
Compact and efficient continuous flow helium cryostats
Andor OptistatDN Top Loading Cryostat (N)
Easy to use nitrogen bath cryostats
Andor OptistatDry Dry Sample-in-Vacuum Cryostat
Shining a new light on optical spectroscopy
Andor Shamrock Spectrograph Series
High resolution, research grade spectrographs
andor shamrock shamrock spectrograph
Andor Sona Back-illuminated sCMOS Camera
Latest generation, specifically designed for life science imaging applications
Andor ZL41 Cell sCMOS
Ideal for calcium imaging, light sheet microscopy and super-resolution microscopy
Andor ZL41 Wave sCMOS
Versatile and powerful workhorse camera for physical sciences
Andor Zyla HF Fibre Optic sCMOS Camera
Ultrafast and high resolution indirect detection fibre-optic sCMOS